
Monday, 30 June 2014

WordPress Tutorial

We have published a new all-in-one tutorial on WordPress.

CodeDrops WordPress Tutorial is a free step-by-step guide to assist beginners as well as intermediate users to install, customize and maintain a High Performance WordPress Site on RedHat OpenShift Cloud Platform.

With this complete WordPress Tutorial, readers can own a high performance site on cloud - for Free - without too much effort.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

GWT Tutorial

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source web app development toolkit to build complex browser-based applications. Without in-depth knowledge of browser quirks, XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript, developer could rapidly assemble high performance, cross browser, optimized web apps using GWT.

Official GWT documentation has an excellent introductory tutorial which highlights the power and ease of GWT. On completing it, many may feel that they are ready dive into a live project with GWT. Soon, they are lost amid plethora of widgets, layouts etc., and struggle to move the project forward.

One would aspire for a guide or tutorial which covers a GWT project end-to-end.

GWT Tutorial fills this gap. This new GWT Tutorial is step-by-step guide provides a gentle introduction a complete GWT project. The book develops a web app, Fins, which displays financial performance of companies in a complex tab view using stock GWT widgets, Google Chart Tools and some custom widgets.

Some of the highlights of the book are

  • shows how to create a GWT project from scratch without using the project wizard.
  • assembles a stacked menu system and tabbed content panel.
  • explains optimal way to use UiBinder and UiFactory to handle multiple widgets in a uniform and concise pattern.
  • exhaustive treatment of GWT EventBus architecture.
  • develops array of custom widgets for a well defined UI.
  • uses Google Chart Tools to draw highly appealing and interactive charts.
  • optimization of RPC services.
  • extensive coverage of ORM like JDO, Hibernate and MyBatis to blend them seamlessly with a GWT web app.
  • project code is a sub set of a real life project and incorporates many of the advanced features of GWT.
  • web app developed by the book is ready to deploy on Google App Engine (GAE) cloud platform.

The book is written in a style keeping both beginners, as well as, intermediate developers in mind. Initial chapters are organized like a tutorial so as to assist beginners to get on with GWT effortlessly whereas later chapters, are more like a book, explains design considerations and concepts with the relevant code snippets.

Read the free online tutorial at   GWT Tutorial

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Apache Ivy - Beginners Guide


Apache Ivy automates dependency management in Java Projects.Ivy is a powerful piece of software and highly configurable. Official site has some excellent tutorials and detailed reference documentation. But a beginner may soon get lost in multiple configurable options and struggle to get it right in first go.

Apache Ivy Tutorial is a Beginners Guide helps beginners to understand basics of Ivy without much effort.

This step-by-step tutorial covers
  • installation of Ivy
  • automate dependency management
  • core concepts with examples
  • build different types of repositories - local, shared and enterprise
  • integrate Ivy with Eclipse through IvyDE.

Objective of this quick start guide is to provide clear understanding of Ivy so that a beginners can migrate from manual dependency to Ivy.

Read      Apache Ivy Tutorial